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Programe Report Writing


Programe Report Writing


(Write  the Head Line of the programe )

Staff Correspondent/Reporter ( Name who write this ),

January 21,2019
................was organized held celebrated on (date) at....(time) in....(place) by school / college organization. The school college hall/ ground was richly decorated with flowers, banners and festoon. This started with the arrival of the chief guest at......(time). The programme began with the prayer sang sung by the school/college students. The school headmaster/principal welcomed the chief guests. The purpose of this programme was to........ (V+O). The students presented colorful programme like dance, sang, drama, story, debate, jokes, patriotic songs and general knowledge and so on.

....….....….......................................... At the end of the cultural function, the winners from different programmes were given prize by the chief guest. There was a big crowed .There was great interest among the students and they were looking highly enthusiasm. It was unique experience to be there. The chief guest gave a very motivating speech on this occasion about .........(subject). The programme ended with the speech of the headmaster/ principal. He thanked the chief guest.......(name of guest) and the students for making the programme grand success.

The End

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