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Linguistics Brief Board Question and Answer |3rd year Honours in English


Honours 3rd year Suggestion

Brief Board Question and Answer



A. What are the major levels of linguistics?

Ans: The major levels of linguistics are Phonetics, Phonology, Morphology, Syntax, Pragmatics, Semantics, Graphology and Lexicology. 

B. What is Syntax?

Ans: Syntax refers to the rules and principles that govern the sentence structure.

C. What are the branches of Phonetics?

Ans: There are three branches of Phonetics. Those are: Articulatory Phonetics, Acoustic Phonetics and Auditory Phonetics.

D. What is zero morph or zero suffix or allomorph?

Ans:- It indicates plural sense of the same singular form.

E. What is voicing? 

Ans:- Voicing is the sound and sound uttered through the mouth of living creatures, especially of human beings in speaking, shouting, singing etc.

F. What is elision?

Ans:- Elision is the complete disappearance of one or more sounds in a word or phrase.

G. What is Psycholinguistics?

Ans:- Psycholinguistics is the study of relationship between language and psychology.

H. What is phoneme?

Ans:- Phoneme is the smallest phonological unit.

I. What is LAD?

Ans:- Chomsky proposed that all humans have a language acquisition devic (LAD), The LAD contains knowledge of grammatical rules common to all. It stands for Language Acquisition Device.

J. What is IPA?

Ans:- IPA refers to International Phonetic Alphabet.

K. How many vowel sounds are there in English Alphabet?

Ans:- There are 20 vowel sounds in English Alphabet. Of them 12 is pure vowels or monophthongs and 8 is diphthongs.

L. What is Acronym?

Ans:- Acronym is a kind of abbreviation. It is a word format by taking letters from a phrase that is too long to use comfortably. The new form is pronounced as a word not just letters.


A. What is Phonetics?

Ans:- Phonetics is the study of speech sounds connected with the production, transmission and perception of speech sound.

B. What is Assimilation?

Ans:-Assimilation is the phonological process which refers to the change of pronunciation.

C. What is face-thrrating act?

Ans:- A face-threating act is one that would make someone possibly lose face or damage it in someway.

D. What are alveolar consonants?

Ans:- To articulate the alveolar consonants the blade or tip and blade of the tongue articulates with the upper alveolar ridge. English alveolar consonants are /t, d, n, s, z, l/.

E. What is dialect?

Ans:- Dialect is the form of a language that is spoken in one area with grammar, words and punctuation.

F. What is SLA?

Ans:- SLA means Second Language Acquisition which is a process by which people learn a second language.

G. What is mean by 'duality'?

Ans:-Duality means that language is organized on two levels: physical level; at which we can produce individual sounds e.g. n, i, b and meaning level; when we produce sounds in combination e.g. nib, bin.

H. What is 'register'?

Ans:- A register is a subset of a language used for a particular purpose or in a particular social setting.

I. What is a 'minimal pair'?

Ans:- Minimal Pair is a pair of two words in a language which differ from each other by only one distinctive sound and which also differ in meaning.

J. Name the passive articulators.

Ans:- The passive articulators are upper lip, upper jaw, teeth ridge, hard and soft palate and uvula.

K. What is presupposition?

Ans:- Presupposition is the assumption the speaker makes about what the hearer is going to accept without challenge.

L. How manh monophthongs are there in English? 

Ans:- There are 12 monophthongs in English Alphabet.


A. What is diphthong?

Ans:- Diphthong is a vowel sound consisting of two monophthong.

B. What is the smallest phonological unit?

Ans:- Phoneme is the smallest phonological unit. 

C. What is parole?

Ans:- Parole means actual speech.

D. What is IC? 

Ans:- IC is the abbreviation from of Immediate Constituent.

E. What is tonic strees?

Ans:- Tonic strees is extra strong strees on words to show special focus.

F. What is 'phone'?

Ans: Phone means 'sound' or 'voice'.

G. What is Bound Stem?

Ans:- A bound stem is a stem which can not occur as a separate word apart from any other morpheme.

H. What is Syntax?

Ans:- Syntax refers to the rules and principles that govern the sentence structure.

I. What is scheme?

Ans:- Scheme is a stored body of knowledge.

J. What is Isogloss?

Ans:- Isoglass is a line on a dialect map marking the boundary between linguistic features.

K. What is tone?

Ans:- Tone is use of pitch in language to distinguish lexical or grammatical meaning. 

L. Who is Saussure?

Ans:- Ferdinand de Saussure is the originator of the 20th century reappearance of structuralism.


A. What is Idiolect?

Ans:- Idiolect is the language of an individual as opposed to that of a group.

B. What is LAD?

Ans:- Chomsky proposed that all humans have a language acquisition devic (LAD), The LAD contains knowledge of grammatical rules common to all. It stands for Language Acquisition Device.

C. What is Recursion?

Ans:- Recursion is the re-occurrence of the same element with derived meaning. It is a generative process producing sentences.

D. What is zero morph or zero suffix or allomorph?

Ans:- It indicates plural sense of the same singular form.

E. What is sociolect?

Ans:- Language may vary depending on the speaker's social class. This is sociolect.

F. What is allophone?

Ans:- Allophone is the positional variant of the same phoneme. 

G. What is stress?

Ans:- Stress is the degree emphasis on a sound or syllable in speech.

H. What is bilabial sound?

Ans:- To produce the bilabial sounds the two lips are combined together. English bilabial sounds are /p, b, m, w/.

I. What is SLA?

Ans:- SLA means Second Language Acquisition which is a process by which people learn a second language.

J. What is a 'minimal pair'?

Ans:- Minimal Pair is a pair of two words in a language which differ from each other by only one distinctive sound and which also differ in meaning.

K. What is Phonetics?

Ans:- Phonetics is the study of speech sounds connected with the production, transmission and perception of speech sound.

L. What is competence?

Ans:- Competence is the actual knowledge of the language.


A. What are the major levels of linguistics?

Ans: The major levels of linguistics are Phonetics, Phonology, Morphology, Syntax, Pragmatics, Semantics, Graphology and Lexicology.

B. What is parole?

Ans: Parole means actual speech.

C. What is voicing?

Ans:- Voicing is the sound and sound uttered through the mouth of living creatures, especially of human beings in speaking, shouting, singing etc.

D. What is Assimilation?

Ans:- Assimilation is the phonological process which refers to the change of pronunciation.

E. What is IC?

Ans:- IC is the abbreviation from of Immediate Constituent.

F. What is schema?

Ans:- Schema is a stored body of knowledge.

G. What is Psycholinguistics?

Ans:- Psycholinguistics is the study of relationship between language and psychology.

H. Name the passive articulators.

Ans:- The passive articulators are upper lip, upper jaw, teeth ridge, hard and soft palate and uvula.

I. What is diphthong?

Ans:- Diphthong is a vowel sound consisting of two monophthong.

J. What is Syntax?

Ans:- Syntax refers to the rules and principles that govern the sentence structure.

K. What is IPA?

Ans:- IPA refers to International Phonetic Alphabet.

L. What is Acronym?

Ans:- Acronym is a kind of abbreviation. It is a word format by takin letters from a phrase that is too long to use comfortably. The new form is pronounced as a word not just letters.


A. What is Linguistics?

Ans: Linguistics is the scientific study of language.

B. Who is Saussure?

Ans:- Ferdinand de Saussure is the originator of the 20th century reappearance of structuralism.

C. What is langue?

Ans: 'Langue' is a France word that means language.

D. What is monophthong?

Ans:- A monophthong is a pure vowel articulated without any obstacle in vocal tract.

E. What is pitch?

Ans:- Pitch is the degree of highness or lowness of a tone.

F. What is Bound Morpheme?

Ans:- A bound morpheme can not stand alone as an independent word, but must be attached to another morpheme/word.

G. What is LAD?

Ans:- Chomsky proposed that all humans have a language acquisition devic (LAD), The LAD contains knowledge of grammatical rules common to all. It stands for Language Acquisition Device.

H. What is Sociolinguistics?

Ans:- Sociolinguistics is the study of the use of language in society.

I. What is IPA?

Ans:- IPA refers to International Phonetic Alphabet.

J. What is 'register'?

Ans:- A register is a subset of a language used for a particular purpose or in a particular social setting.

K. What is Accommodation Theory of SLA?

Ans:- The theory which attempt to explain how relations impact SLA is Accommodation Theory. Accommodation
Theory explains perceive distance berween groups.

L. What is intonation? 

Ans:- Intonation is a pattern of changing pitch, intensity and speed during an utterance to convey linguistic information.


A. What is IPA?

Ans:- IPA refers to International Phonetic Alphabet.

B. What is diphthong?

Ans:- Diphthong is a vowel sound consisting of two monophthong.

C. What is schema?

Ans:- Schema is a stored body of knowledge.

D. What is IC?

Ans:- IC is the abbreviation from of Immediate Constituent.

E. What is parole?

Ans: Parole means actual speech.

F. What is Idiolect?

Ans:- Idiolect is the language of an individual as opposed to that of a group.

G. What is a 'minimal pair'?

Ans:- Minimal Pair is a pair of two words in a language which differ from each other by only one distinctive sound and which also differ in meaning.

H. Who is Noam Chomsky?

Ans:- Noam Chomsky is the proponent of Mentalist Theory.

I. What is Phonetics?

Ans:- Phonetics is the study of speech sounds connected with the production, transmission and perception of speech sound.

J. What is Psycholinguistics?

Ans:- Psycholinguistics is the study of relationship between language and psychology.

K. What is a dialect?

Ans:- A dialect is the form of a language that is spoken in one area with grammar, words and punctuation.

L. What is syntax?

Ans:- Syntax refers to the rules and principles that govern the sentence structure.


A. What is stress?

Ans:- Stress is the degree of emphasis given on a sound or syllable in speech.

B. What is phonology?

Ans:- Phonology means the study of the sound system of one or more languages. Phonology is the organisation of sound into patterns and involves the classification of sounds and a description of the interrelationship of the elements on a systematic level.

C. Define pidgin.

Ans:- Pidgin is a combination of more than two languages which arise from the need to communicate between communities.

D. What is LAD?

Ans:- Chomsky proposed that all humans have a language acquisition devic (LAD), The LAD contains knowledge of grammatical rules common to all. It stands for Language Acquisition Device.

E. What does 'morpheme' mean?

Ans:- In linguistics, morpheme is the smallest component of word, or other linguistic unit, that has semantic meaning.

F. What is semantics?

Ans:- Semantics is the level of linguistics that focuses on the study of meaning. It studies meaning of words, phrases, clauses, sentences and the likeliness of language.

G. What is coherence?

Ans:- Coherence is an invisible tie presents in sentences or paragraphs to create a meaningful whole.

H. What is SLA?

Ans:- SLA stands for Second Language Acquisition which is a process by which people learn a second language.

I. What is bilingualism?

Ans:- Complete mastery of two languages is designed as bilingualism.

J. What is elision?

Ans:- Ellison refers to the disappearance of a sound. In other words elision is the omission of a sound between two words.

K. What is sociolect?

Ans:- Language may vary depending on the speaker's social class. This is sociolect.

L. What is pragmatics?

Ans:- Pragmatics is a branch of linguistics concerned with the use of language in social contexts and the ways in which people produce and comprehend meanings through languages.

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