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Victorian Poetry Brief Question and Answer (2012 to 2019)


Victorian Poetry

 Brief Question and Answer 
(2012 to 2019)


A. What is Galingale?

Ans: Galingale is a sedge like plant with aromatic roots.

B. What is the source of the poem "The Lotos Eaters"?

Ans: The source of the poem is based on an episode of Homer's "Odyssey".

C. What is name if Ulysses's son?

Ans: His son is Telemachus.

D. Who was the Scholar Gipsy?

Ans: The Scholar Gipsy was an Oxford Scholar who left his university education due to poverty and took to gipsy company and wandered with them in search of truth.

E. Why did Lucrezia's lover hope to get money from Lucrezia?

Ans: As Lucrezia's lover was under gambling debts, he hoped to get money from her to clear the debts.

F. Who caught Lippo at night?

Ans: A group of watchmen caught Lippo at night.

G. What does Arnold lament in "Dover Beach"?

Ans: In "Dover Beach" Arnold laments the loss of religious faith of the Victorian people.

H. Who is Thyrsis?

Ans: Thyrsis is the name of a shepherd in Theocritu. But in Arnold's poem, it is a pastoral name standing for Arthur Hugh Clough.

I. What did Felix Randal use to make?

Ans: Felix Randal used to make horseshoes.

J. What kind of joy did Hopkins feel when he prayed for the blacksmith?

Ans: When he prayed for the blacksmith Hopkins felt the joy of Divine Power.


A. What type of poem is "Locksley Hall"?

Ans: It's a dramatic monologue.

B.What kind of area did the Scholar Gipsy love?

Ans: The Scholar Gipsy loved solitary and isolated area.

C. Who sang the Choric song in "The Lotos Eaters"?

Ans: All the sailors together sang the Choric song.

D. What is Bab-Lock-hithe?

Ans: It is a ferry on the Thames, a miles away from Oxfor.

E.How did the priest pray on behalf of Randal?

Ans: The priest prayed. "Ah well, God rest him all the road ever he offended!"

F. What is "the eternal note of sadness"? 

Ans: The sound made by the sea waves is the eternal note of sadness.

G. Why is Margaret crying?

Ans: Margaret is crying seeing the leaves fall during Autumn.

H.What kind of woman is Lucrezia?

Ans: Lucrezia is a woman of rare beauty but she is frivolous and isn't faithful to her husband.

I. What is Arnold's view about Truth?

Ans: To Arnold, truth is not a marketable commodity.It cannot be purchased in exchange for the possessions like gold
property,flattering friends etc.

J. What is Victorian Compromise?

Ans: Victorian Compromise refers to the compromise between science and religion, faith and doubts, etc during the Victorian period.


A. Why did the sailors decide not to return home?

Ans:- Under the influence of the Lotos the sailors decided not to return home. It seems tiresome to them to be sailing on the restless sea, tiresome to be pulling on the oars of the ship.

B. How does the poem "Ulysses" end?

Ans:- Not found found.(×)

C. Who are compared to rats in "Fra Lippo Lippi"?

Ans:- The monks who go out to seek pleasure and enter into the homes of prostitutes are compared to rats in the poem "Fra Lippo Lippi".

D. What does 'Ithaca' symbolize?

Ans: Not found found.(×)

E. Who is in the poem "Dover Beach" addressed to?

Ans:- The poem is "addressed or half-addressed to someone present", presumably, the speaker's sweetheart. This fact is proved by the three imperative sentences beginning with " Come", "Listen", and "Let" uttered by the speaker in lines 6, 9 & 29.

F. What is the theme of the poem "An Apple Gathering"?

Ans:Not found found.(×)

G. Why is the modern life called strange disease?

Ans:- The modern life is called a strange disease because it has brought sordid materialism and maddening skepticism.

H. Who was Andrea del Sarto?

Ans:- Andrea del Sarto was a great painter of the Florentine School.

I. What does "The Sea of Faith" symbolize?

Ans: "The Sea of Faith" symbolises religion.

J. What do you mean by "Brute Beauty"?

Ans: Here, "Brute Beauty" means natural, untouched beauty.

K What is the source of mankind's sorrow?

Ans:Not found found.(×)

L. What does Arnold lament in "Dover Beach"?

Ans:- Android laments the loss of religious faith in the Victorian Period in "Dover Beach"


A. What does the poem "Locksley Hall" represent?

Ans:- According to Lord Alfred Tennyson, the poem represents "young life, its good side, its deficiencies, and its yearn-ings".

B. What does Ulysses symbolize?

Ans:Not found found.(×)

C. How was the religious faith of the Victorians?

Ans: The religious faith of the Victorians was conventional. They had never seriously thought about religion. 

D. "My pipe is lost"What is meant by "pipe"?

Ans: Here. 'pipe', means poetic inspiration.

E. Who does Corydon stand for in Arnold's "Thyrisis"?

Ans:- In Arnold's "Thyrisis", Corydon stands for Arnold himself.

F. What happened to the men who ate the lotos at the land of the 'Lotos Eaters"?

Ans:- The men who ate the lotos of the land of the "Lotos Eaters" felt drowsy and heard a music.

G. What is "gipsy lore"?

Ans:- The gypsy-lore represents to the learning of the gypsies. It is the pure art of the gypsies who are believed to have the power of thought reading, mesmerism etc.

H. Who was Margaret?

Ans:- Margaret was not a particular person rather the name was referring to any child.

I. Who carry the dead body of the Grammarian?

Ans:Not found found.(×)

J. How was the hair of Laura?

Ans:Not found found.(×)

K. "I am become a name, "--- Who said this?

Ans:Not found found.(×)

L. What is the source of the poem "The Lotos Eaters"?

Ans:- The poem is based upon the story in 'Odyssey by Homer.


A. Who was Oenone?

Ans:- Oenone in Greek mythology, is a fountain nymph of Mount Ida, the daughter of River Cebren and the beloved of Paris, a son of King Priam of Troy.

B. Who was Andrea's wife?

Ans: Lucrezia was Andera's wife.

C. What type of poem is Thyrsis'?

Ans: 'Thyrsis' is a monody.

D. Which bird is called the windhover?

Ans:- A small European falcon or hawk is called the windhover.

E. Who are the lotos-eaters?

Ans: The Lotos-eaters are the inhabitants of Lotos Island. They eat lotos fruit.

F. Who was called "the faultless painter"? 

Ans:-Andera was called "the faultless painter".

G. What is Dover famous for?

Ans:- Dover, a principal cross-channel port in Britain, is most famous for its white chalk cliffs and its beach.

H.What is a dramatic monologue?

Ans: A dramatic monologue is a poem that presents a moment in which a single speaker expresses his/her thoughts, emotions to a silent listener.

I. What kind of poem is 'The Scholar Gipsy'?

Ans:- Mainly, 'The Scholar Gipsy' is a pastoral elegy.

J. Who is the speaker in the poem 'The Last Rider Together?

Ans:- The speaker of the poem "The Last Ride Together" is a rejected lover who is exploring the end of a love affair.

K. How did Tithonus become immortal?

Ans:-Aurora granted Tithonus his immortality.

L. Who write the poem 'Pied Beauty?

Ans:- Gerard Manley Hopkins writes the poem 'Pied Beauty.


A. Who is Amy?

Ans:-Amy is the speakers cousin who rejected him to marry a boorish man of suitable financial means.

B. What gift does Tithonus urge to take back?

Ans:- Tithonus urges to take back the gift of immortality.

C. Where do Andrea and Lucrezia live?

Ans:- Andrea and Lucrezia live in Florence.

D. Who is Neptune?

Ans:- Neptune is the Roman god of sea.

E. What is the source of the poem "The Scholar Gypsy"?

Ans: "The Scholar Gypsy" is based on Joseph Glanvill's book entitled The Vanity of Dogmastizing

F. What is a monody?

Ans:- A monody is an elegy in which the mourner expresses his feelings of grief and sorrow over the death of his near and dear one.

G. What do you understand by "Brute beauty"?

Ans:  Here, "Brute Beauty" means natural, untouched beauty.

H. What is the meaning of 'Felix'?

Ans: In Latin, 'Felix' means happy.

I. What type of poem is "Andrea del Sarto"?

Ans: "Andrea del Sarto" is a dramatic monologue.

J. How old was Fra Lippo Lippi when he renounced the worldly pleasures? 

Ans:- Lippo was eight years old when he renounced the worldly pleasures.

K. Who is the speaker of the poem "My Last Duchess"?

Ans:- The Duke of Ferrara is the speaker of the poem "My Last Duchess".

L. Who was Sophocles?

Ans:- Sophocles was one of the most celebrated Greek tragedians who lived during 495-406 BC. He was a favourite author of Arnold.


A. How did Aurora grant immortality to Tithonus?

Ans:- Tithonus asked for immortality to Aurora, the goddess of dawn. At his request she bought for him the gift of immortality from Zeus.

B. Who is the listener in "My Last Duchess"?

Ans:- The listener is an emissary of The Duke's prospective second wife.

C. With what the fallen leaves are compared?

Ans: The Biblical assertion is Isish suggests that leaves like the things of man".

D. What is Victorian compromise?

Ans:- The compromise between religion and science, reason and faith, democracy and aristocracy, and conjugal felicity and married life in Victorian Era considered as Victorian compromise.

E. What is Tennyson's opinions about knowledge and wisdom?

Ans:- According to Tennyson, a person can acquire knowledge more rapidly than wisdom.

F. How is Andrea inferior to other painters?

Ans:  Andera is inferior to other painters because they have divine visions while Andera himself lacks such visions.

G. What is meant by 'shepherd's holiday?

Ans: Not found found.(×)

H. What does 'Spring' suggest in the title?

Ans:- Spring in the title suggests both the season of growth and the Garden of Eden.

I. Who sang the choric song in "The Lotos Eaters"?

Ans: The choric song was sung by all the sailors who had tested the lotos fruit and flowers.

J. What is a dramatic monologue?

Ans: A dramatic monologue is a poem that presents a moment in which a single speaker expresses his/her thoughts, emotions to a silent listener.

K. What is "the eternal note of sadness"?

Ans: To Arnold, the sound made by the sea is "the eternal note of sadness".

L. Who was Felix Randal?

Ans: Felix Randal was a farrier. 


A. "Comrades, leave me here a little" Why does the speaker asks his friends to leave him there a little?

Ans: The speaker of the poem has returned to Locksly Hall after a long time. His return to the scene and slights stirs up his old memories and desires and so he asks his friends to leave him alone for some time.

B. Who was called the faultless painter?

Ans:  Andera was called "the faultless painter".

C. Why is Clough compared to the cuckoo?

Ans: The point of similarity between them is that just as the cuckoo leaves England when the wind of spring begins to blow, Claugh left the world when the religious storm was raging in fury at Oxford.

D. What is expressed through the words 'Brute beauty?

Ans: Here, the words "Brute Beauty" is expressed as natural, untouched beauty,

E. Who was Oenone?

Ans: Oenone in Greek mythology, is a fountain nymph of Mount Ida, the daughter of River Cebren and the beloved of Paris, a son of King Priam of Troy.

F. Who are compared to rats in 'Fra Lippo Lippi'?

Ans: The monks who go out to seek pleasure and enter into the homes of prostitutes are compared to rats in the poem "Fra Lippo Lippi". 

G. "And we are here as on a darkling plain"What is referred to here?

Ans: The human existance is compared to a dark battlefield where friends and enemies fight each other in total confu sion.

H. Why is the poet's heart scared in The Windhover'?

Ans: The poet's heart is scared because of the mastery of the bird's performance.

I. How was the river flowing in the land of Loto's Eaters?

Ans: In the land of lotos-eaters the river was flowing outward to the sea from the interior to the island.

J. What is Westminister Abbey?

Ans:- Westminster Abbey is a gothic monastery church in London that is the traditional place of coronation and burial for many great men.

K. What was the cause of the spiritual crisis in the poem "The Scholar Gipsy"?

Ans: The death of the spiritual values of the society was the cause of the spiritual crisis in the poem "The Scholar Gipsy".

L. Who wrote the poem 'Pied Beauty?

Ans: Gerard Manley Hopkins wrote the poem 'Pied Beauty.

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