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Honours 3rd year Literary Criticism Most important Brief Question and Answer

 Literary Criticism Important Brief
Question and Answer

Suggestion for 3rd year

Subject: Introduction to Literary Criticism

40 Brief Questions & answers :

1) What is an epic ? 

Ans: Epic is a long narrative poem that tells about the adventures of a hero who reflects the ideas and values of a nation.

2) What, according to Aristotle, is the most important element of a tragedy ? 

Ans: Plot" is the most important element of a tragedy.

3) What is Stasimon ? 

Ans: A Stasimon is a choral song without anapaests or trochees.

4) What, according to Sidney, is the aim of poetry? 

Ans: To teach and delight.

5) Who is Stephen Gosson? 

Ans: Stephen Gosson is a Kentish puritan who attacked poetry in his book "The school of Abouse".

6) What is meant by the term "Vates"? 

Ans: The trem “Vates" means a 'diviner' or 'foreseer' or 'prophet'.

7) What is "The Preface to Shakespeare"?
Ans: The book 'preface to Shakespeare " is a critical work by Dr. Samuel Johnson on Shakespeare drama.

8) Why does Johnson all Shakespeare "Poet of Nature" ? 

Ans: Shakespeare is called the poet of nature because of his presentation of human life in his dramas.

9) How does Coleridge define"Imagination"?

 Ans: Imagination is an act of human mind in which different images are fused and unified to create something new.

10) Who coined the expression "Willing Suspension of disbelief"?

 Ans: Samuel Taylor Coleridge.

11) How does Aristotle define Poetry? 

Ans: Aeistotle defines poetry as a kind of imitation .

12) What is the Greek word for imitation " ?

Ans: The Greek word for imitation is “ mimesis “.

13) What is the soul of a tragedy ?

Ans: Plot.

14) What is Reversal?

Ans: A reversal is a change from one state of affairs to its opposite.

15) How does Aristotle define epic ?

Ans: Aristotle defines epic as a kind of poetic imitation which is narrative in form,and which employs a single metre.

16) What is the title of the book " An Apologie for Poetry" given by its writer ?

Ans: Sidney titled the book "In Defence of Poesie ".

17) What does the word 'poet' mean?

Ans: The word 'poet' means maker.

18) Who is Sophocles ?

Ans: The second of the three great Attic tragedians is Sophocles who wrote ety tragedies in which he presented human psychology under fate with superhuman skill.

19) What kind of critic is Philip Sidney ?

Ans: Sidney is a classical-romantic critic who is judicial, creative and original.

20) What,according to Dr. Johnson, is Shakespeare's first fault?

Ans: According to Johnson, Shakespeare sacrifices virtue to convenience and is more careful to please than to instruct.

21) What is Lyrical Ballad ?

Ans: Lyricall Ballad is a collection of poems written by Wordsworth and Coleridge jointly.

22) What is Ballad ?

Ans: Ballad is a poem or song narrating a story in short stanzas.

23) What is meant by metrical composition " ? 

Ans: The metrical composition means Poetry as it is written in metre.

24) What is organic sensibility ?

Ans: It is a capacity of a man to receive impressions through the senses.

25) What is Prosaims ?

Ans: The quality of an ordinary writing in prose lacking imagination is known as Prosaims .

26) How is poetry compared to human heart?

Ans: Poetry is as immortal as the human heart.

27) How many stages are there in Wordsworth's Poetic Process?

Ans: There are four stages in the process of poetic creation ...observation, recollection, contemplation and imagination.

28) Who is Robert Southey?

Ans: Robert Southey is a great poet contemporary of Wordsworth and Coleridge.

29) What is The Descriptive Sketches'?

Ans: The Descriptive Sketches is the first published poem of Wordsworth in which he wrote about his tour over the Alps.

30) What is Heroic Couplet ?

Ans: It is a pair of poetical lines each of which has five iambic feet and ends with the same sound.

31) What is the ultimate end of a work of art ?

Ans: Truth is the ultimate end of a work of art.

32) What is The Dark Lady ?

Ans: The Dark Lady is a poem of Coleridge.

33) What is Poetics ? 

Ans: Poetics is a treatise on Literature or art.

34) Who is the inventor of parodies? 

Ans: Hegemon is the inventor of parodies.

35) What did Plato mean by 'imitation'?

 Ans: By imitation Plato means the mere servile copying of the appearances of things instead of reality.

36) What are the objects of artistic imitation? 

Ans:According to Aristotle, there are three objects of artistic imitation Ethos, Pathos and Praxis.

37) What does Ethos represent?

Ans: Ethos represents the permanent mental depositions which are revealed in human character.

38) What is Michael?

Ans: Michael is a pastoral poem in which Wordsworth has presented an ideal man in the guise of a shepherd.

39) What are different parts of poetic genius? 

Ans: Good sense is the body of poetic genius, fancy is its drapery, motion is its life and imagination is its soul.

40) What is organic unity'?

Ans: A coherent relation between the parts and the whole of a writing in prose or in poetry is the organic unity.

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