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3rd year 

Part : A (Brief Question, )

Bord Question


A. Who was Mephistophilis?
Ans: Mephistophilis was derived by Christopher Marlow frome German Folklore where he was considered as Demon Marlowe has presented him as assistant of Lucifer.
B. Who is the peerless dame of Greece?
Ans. Helen of Toy was the peerless dame of Greece.
C. What is the aim of satire?
Ans. The aim of satire is to improve humanity by criticizing It's follies and foibles
D. What is the full title of the play "Doctor Faustus"?
Ans. The full title of the play doctor Faustus is The Tragical History of Dr. Faustus.

 E. Name the seven deadly Sins in Doctor faustus?
Ans. The seven deadly sins are Pride Covetousness, Wrath, Envy, Gluttony. Sloth and leachery.
F. Who are the members of Volpone's house?
Ans: The member of Volpone's house are Nano, Castrone, Androgyne Mosca and Volpone.
G. Who is Icarus?
Ans: Icarus was the son of Deadalus. He is escaping from Crete on artificial wings,flew so close to the sun that the wax
with which his wings were fastened melted, and he fell into the Aegean Sea.
H. What is an epistle?
Ans. An epistle is a formal or didactic letter sent to a person or a group of people.
I. What dose the forest of Arden signify?

Ans: Not found.(×)

J. What does the name Voltore mean?
Ans. The name Voltore means" vulture".
K. What is soliloquy?
Ans:Soliloquy is an artificial dramatic device in which the actor stays alone on the stage and utters his thoughts aloud simply to inform the audience indirectly of what is going on in his mind.
L. What is Renaissance?
Ans. The Renaissance means the revival "rebirth" of art and literature under the influence of classical models in the 14th-16th centuries.


A. sweet are the adversity - who is the speaker?
Ans: Duke Senior
B.What is the subtitle of the play Volpone?
Ans: The subtitle of the play Volpone is "The Fox"
C.Mention the literary period of John webster?
Ans John webster belongs to Jacobean period.
D. What figure of speech do you find in "Fair is foul and foul is fair"?
"Fair is Foul and Foul is Fair" is a paradox.
E. who is "you" in As you Like It?
Ans. Rosalind
F. What is Macbeth's Tragic flaw?
Ans Macbeth's tragic flaw is unchecked ambition.
G. Why did Bosola give some apricots to the Duchess? 

Ans Bosola gave some apricots to the Duchess to be sure whether
she was pregnant or not .
H. Complete the gap in the following statement:
"It is a tale.…........ full of sound and fury". Ans: It is a tale. Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury.
I. What is Celia's name in disguise?
J. What inscription did Doctor faobtain notice on his arm just after signing the contract?
Ans:Faustus noticed two latin word' Homo' and 'fuge' jus after signing the contract.
K. To Whom is marriage a ceremonial toy?
Ans Marriage is a ceremonial toy to Mephistophilis.
L. In which field of learning Doctor faustus obtain the doctorate degree?
Ans Doctor Faustus obtained the doctorate degree in theology.


A. Who sings the song "Under the Green Wood Tree' in "As You Like It"? 

Ans:-Amiens, a courtier sings the song. (Out of syllabus).

B. Who had waxen wings'?

Ans: Icarus had waxen wings

C. What type of comedy is Volpone?

Ans:- Volpone is a comedy of humours.

D. What is the moral of Doctor Faustus?

Ans: The moral of the play is that a person's downfall is caused bh his/her act of crossing the limit that is forbidden.

E. What is prologue?

Ans. The prologue is the introductory lines made by an actor on the stage before the dramatic performance.

F. What gift does Volter bring for Volpone?

Ans: Volter has brought with him a gift of a huge gold plate with Volpone's named and arms engraved on it.

G. How do the three witches address Macbeth?

Ans: Three witches address Mackbeth as Thane of Glams, Thane of Cawdor, and 'king hairafter of Scotland. 

H. What was the parting request from the Duchess to Cariola?

Ans: When she is going to be strangled, the Duchess requests Cariola to take care of her children. The Duchess tells hert hat it is Cariolala's duty to look after her children, to take care for and to care her boy's cold by some syrup and to teach the girl to say her prayer before she goes to sleep.

I. Which period of English literature did Christopher Marlowe belong to?

Ans Elizabethan period.

J. Why is Carthage famous for?

Ans: Carthage was famous for trade and power.

K. How does Rosalind show her first liking to Orlando?

Ans:- Rosalind shows her first liking to Orlando by giving her necklace as a token of love. (Out of syllabus).

L. What was the gift of Duncan give Lady Macbeth?

Ans. King Duncan gives Lady Macbeth a precious diamond as a gift.


A. What is the sub-title of the play Volpone?

Ans:- The sub-title of the play is The Fox'.

B. Who were the friends of 'Doctor Faustus'?

Ans:- Valdes and Cornelius were the friends of Doctor Faustus.

C. What was the gift of Rosalind to Orlando when he won the wrestling?

Ans:- Rosalind gave a necklace as a token of her affection to Orlando when he won the wrestling match. (Out of sylla bus).

D. What was Rosalind's name in disguise?

Ans:- Ganymede (Out of syllabus).

E. What does the name 'Volpone' mean?

Ans.- Volpone's name means 'fox' in Italian.

F. What is soliloquy?

Ans- Soliloquy is the potent means of self-revelation. It is a dramatic device in which a character speaks to himself when he is alone on the stage.

G. Who kills Macbeth?

Ans:- Macduff kills Macbeth.

H. Who are the three legacy hunters in Volpone?

Ans:-Voltore, Corbaccio, Corvino are the three legacy hunters in Volpone.

I. Who is Oliver?

Ans-Oliver is the eldest brother of Orlando and eldest son of Duke Senior. (Out of syllabus).

J. Who was Cariola?
Cariola was the Duchess's waiting-maid. She is loyal to the Duchess throughout, and dies for it.
K. What kind of play is 'The Duchess of Malfi'?

Ans- The Duchess of Malfi is a revenge tragedy.

L. Who is the professional fool in "As You Like It"? 

Ans:- Touchstone is the profession fool in "As You Like It". (Out of syllabus).


A. What is a prologue in a play?

Ans: Prologue is an introductory part of a book that introduces the characters and story

B. From what animal does the play Volpone take its name?

Ans:- The play Volpone takes its name from fox.

C. Name the seven deadly sins in Doctor Faustus,

Ans. The seven deadly sins are Pride, Greediness, Wrath, Envy, Lust, Gluttony and Sloth.

D. What is Inverness?

Ans.- Inverness is the name of Macbeth's castle.

E. What gift does Voltore bring for Volpone?

Ans:-Voltore has brought with him a gift of huge gold plate with Volpones named and arms engraved on it.

F. Why did Shylock break the agreement with Antonio?

Ans:- Shylock broke the agreement with Antonio because he was unable to separate a pound of Antonio's flesh without shedding blood.

G. Who is peerless dame of Greece?

Ans: The peerless dame of Greece is Helen, wife of Menelaus who lived in Greece, but ran away with Paris.
H. Who is Wagner?

Ans - Wagner is the servant of Faustus. He is Christopher Wagner, the hero of Wagnerbuch, a book of magical and venrures.

I. Why does Bassanio want to marry Portia?

Ans: - Bassanio want to marry Portia because she has wealth, beauty and generosity.

J. Where did the three witches meet?

Ans: - The three witches met on lonly heath in the midst of thunder and lightning

K. What message does Delio give to the audience in his last words?

Ans: The last words of Delio is that he and the courtiers will raise the eldest son of Duchess as a legacy to his parents.

L. Why did Bosola give some apricots to the Duchess?

Ans:- Bosola gave the Duchess some apricots to be sure whether she is pregnant or not.


A. What is the sub-title of the play "Volpone"?

Ans:- The sub-title of the play Volpone is 'The Fox' in Italian language.

B. What is Macbeth's tragic flaw?

Ans:- Macbeth's tragic flaw is unchecked ambition. He has a lust for power and position which is more important to him
than anything else in life.

C. Who is Icarus?

Ans:- According to Greek mythology, Icarus is the son of the master craftsman Daedalus, the creator of the Labyrinth.

D. What is Ancona?

Ans:- Ancona is a city state in Italy.

E. Who witnesses the Duchess' remarriage?

Ans:- Cariold, is the witnesses of the Duchess' remarriage

F. What do Faustus and Lucifer have in common?

Ans:- Faustus and Lucifer have in common that both thay have excessive pride and insolence.

G. Who are the legacy hunters in "Volpone"?

Ans: The legacy hunters are Voltore, Corbaccio, Corvino in the play Volpone.

H. Who is Bassanio?

Ans:- Bassanio is a gentleman of Venice He is a kinsman and dear friend to Antonio.

I. What is Renaissance?

Ans:- In general 'reneissance' means rebirth. It has been described as the birth of the modern world out of the ashes of the "Dark Ages".

J. Who is Portia?

Ans:- Portia is the heroine of the play The Merchant of Venice'. She is the strongest and wisest character in the play.

K. Who are the University wits?

Ans:- University wits are Christopher Marlowe, Robert Greene, Thomas Nashe, Thomas Lodge, George Peele and John Lyly.

L. Who kills Macbeth?

Ans:- Macduff kills Macbeth.


A. "All the perfumes of Arabia will not sweeten this little hand" - who is the speaker?

Ans:- Lady Macbeth.

B. Who is the peerless dame of Greece?

Ans:- The peerless dame of Greece is Helen, wife of Menelaus who lived in Greece.

C. What gift does Voltore bring for Volpone?

Ans:- Voltore has brought with him a gift of huge gold plate with Volpone's named and arms engraved on it.
D. "Give me my principals and let me go"-who made this remark?
Shylock made this remark.
E. What was the parting request from the duchess to Cariola?
When she is going to be strangled, the Duchess requests Cariola to take care of her children. The Duchess tells her that it is Cariolala's duty to look after her children, to take care for and to care her boy's cold by some syrup and to teach the girl to say her prayer before she goes to sleep.
F. Why did Bosola give some apricots to the Duchess?

Ans:- Bosola gives the Duchess some apricots to be sure whether she is pregnant or not.

G.What kind of play is "Duchess of Malfi"?

Ans:- The Duchess of Malfi is a revenge tragedy.

H. What is soliloquy?

Ans:- A soliloquy is the speech that an actor gives while he or she is alone onstage allows for the audience to hear the

character's innermost thought.

I. What type of comedy is "Volpone"?

Ans:- Comedy of Humours.

J. How do the three witches adress Macbeth?

Ans:- The three witches adress Macbeth Thane of Cowdor.

K.Name the seven deadly sins in Doctor Faustus?

Ans:- The seven deadly sins are Pride, Greediness, Wrath, Envy, Lust, Gluttony and Sloth.

L. Why did Shylock break the agreement with Antonio?

Ans:- Shylock and Antonio make a contract in which Antonio will lose a pound of his flesh if he does not pay back money borrowed for Bassanio. . Contract law overall lacked.


A. Which literary age does Christopher marlowe belong to?

Ans:- Christopher marlowe belongs to Elizabethan Age.

B. Who utters the statement fair is foul and foul is fair?

Ans: The three witches utter the statement fair is foul and foul is fair.

C. Who are the Legacy hunters in Volpone?

Ans: The legacy hunters are Voltore, Corbaccio, Corvino in the play Volpone. 

D. What is the original name of the play The Duchess of Malfi?

Ans:- The original name of the play The Duchess of Malfi' is 'The Tragedy of the Dutchesse of Malfy.

E. What was the name of the Cardinal historically?
Not found.(×)
F. What is Corvino by profession?

Ans: Corvino is a Merchant.

G. Name the sons of King Duncan?

Ans:- King Dunkan has two sons. They are Malcom and Donalbain..

H. What does the phrase "Achilles heel" mean?

Ans:- The phrase "Achilles heel" means a weakness or vulnerable point.

I. "Now I die eternally-who is the speaker?

Ans:- The speaker is Faustus himself.

J. Who kills Macbeth?

Ans: Macduff kills Mackbeth.

K. Why does Mosca suggest suicide?

Ans: Mosca suggests suicide in order to escape from dishonor.

L. Why does portia disguise herself as a lawyer?

Ans:- Portia disguises herself as a male then assumes the role of a lawyer's apprentice whereby she saves the life of Bassanio's friend, Antonio, in court.

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