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Restoration and 18th Century Fictional Prose Brief Question and Answer

 Restoration and 18th Century Fictional Prose Brief Question and Answer (2012 to 2019)

===========2012 and 2013============

1.What is Otan?

Ans: Otan is the harem of the African King.

2. What is Royal Veil?

Ans: It is a piece of cloth sent by the king to a woman of his own choice.It is the highest of honours which no girl or woman is allowed to refuse.

3.What is the nationality of Imoinda whom Oroonoko loves?

Ans: Imoinda is African whom Oroonoko loves.

4.Who is Skyresh Bolgolam?

Ans: He is the High Admiral of Lilliput.

5.Write down the names of men rescued by Crusoe from the clutches of the savages.

Ans: The men rescued by Crusoe from the clutches of the savages are - Friday, a European and Friday's father. 

6.What role did Friday play?

Ans:Friday played the role of an interpreter between his father and Crusoe as Crusoe could not understand his father's language.

7.Whom do the Lilliputians represent allegorically?

Ans: The Lilliputians allegorically represent the English people.

8.What does 'Quinebus Flestrine' mean?

Ans: Quinebus Flestrine means Man Mountain.

9.How did Oroonoko learn humanity?

Ans: Oroonoko learnt humanity from the sacrifice of the old General who sacrificed his life to save Oroonoko.

10.What was the original sin of Crusoe according to him?

Ans: The original sin of Crusoe was his disobedience to his father's advice, according to him.

11.Why did a female Yahoo attack Gulliver during his bathing in the river?

Ans: One day while Gulliver was bathing in the river, being impressed by his well-built physic suddenly a female Yahoo rushed towards him and embraced him closely to satisfy her lustful sexual passion.

12.When does Oroonoko see Imoinda for the first time?

Ans: Oroonoko sees Imoinda for the first time when has come to his grandfather's Royal Palace after war.

13.How long was Crusoe in Brazil with his plantation?

Ans: In Brazil, Crusoe stayed four years with his plantation.

14.Where was Gulliver kept as a captive in Lilliput?

Ans: In Lilliput, Gulliver was kept as a captive in an ancient Temple.

15. Why did the people of Gulliver's country drink wine?

Ans: The people of Gulliver's country drank wine in order to forget their troubles and to get rid of their fears.


A. What is the setting of the novel "Oroonoko"?

Ans:- Surinam, located on the north coast of South America, shelves as the setting of the story of Oroonoko.

B. Why did Crusoe want to stay near the sea?

Ans:- Crouse chose a place near the sea from where he could behold the sea so that he could see whether any ship was passing the way.

C. What is the full title of the novel "Joseph Andrews"?

Ans: The History of the Adventures of Joseph Andrews.

D. What are the two races mentioned in part IV of "Gulliver's Travels"?

Ans:- The two races mentioned in part IV of "Gulliver's Travels" are the Yahoos and the Houyhnhnms.

E. Who is Rasselas?

Ans:-Rasselas was a prince of Abyssinia.

F. What does Pamela represent in "Joseph Andrews"?


G. Who were the Big - Endians?

Ans:- The Big-Endian and the Little-Endian in Lilliput were two conflicting parties in "A Voyage to Lilliput".

H. What is Happy Valley?


I. Who is Imlac?

Ans:- Imlac (IHM-lak), the son of a merchant.

J. Why did Robinson Crusoe become repentant?

Ans:- Robinson became repentant because of the realization of the orizinal sin' of his life.

K. What is a 'Picaresque Novel"?

Ans:- A 'Picaresque Novel' is a genre of prose fiction that depicts the adventures of a roughish hero of low social class who lives by their wits in a corrupt society. 

L. How was Gulliver rescued from the bowl of cream?

Ans:- Gulliver was rescued from the bowl of cream by pulling him out of the thick liquid just in time by Glamdalclitch.


A. Who was Lady Booby?

Ans: Not found .(×)

B. What does Nekaya say about virtue?

Ans: Not found .(×)

C. How Long was Crusoe in Brazil with his plantation? 

Ans: Crusoe spent four years in Brazil with his plantation.

D. Why were the immortals miserable?

Ans: The immortals were miserable because they longed for death which did not come to them.

E. What is the original title of the Book "Rasselas"?

Ans: The History of Rasselas, Prince of Abissinia, originally titled The Prince of Abissinia

F. How did Gulliver escape from the island of Lilliput of Blefuscu?

Ans:- Gulliver escaped from the island of Lilliput of Blefuscu by wading and sometimes swimming across the water. He tramsported his clothing inside of a ship, which he carried under his arm.

G. What did Crusoe's father want him to study?

Ans: Crusoe's father wanted him to study law.

H. When did Oroonoko see Imoinda for the first time? 

Ans:- Oroonoko saw Imoinda for the first time when he came to his grandfather's court.

I. What are Thunder. Plunder and Blunder?

Ans: Not found .(×)

J. What does Imlac tell Rasselas about envy?

Ans: Not found .(×)

K. Which port of France did Crusoe take ship from?

Ans: The port of France from which Crusoe took ship is the port of Calais.

L. Who is High Admiral of Lilliput?

Ans: Skyresh Bolgolam is the High Admiral of Lilliput.


A. What kind of book is Oroonoko?

Ans:- Oroonoko is an anti-colonial and anti-slavery novel in which Aphra Ben sets an example to write in a new field and to fight against strongly built unjust politico-socio-economic instituition.

B. Why does Oroonoko kill Imoinda?

Ans:- Oroonoko kills Imoinda to give her eternal freedom from the disgrace of slavery.

C. How does Oroonoko receive his poetic justice?

Ans:- Oroonoko receives his poetic justice by becoming a slave from the status of a slave trader.

D. What was Crusoe's dream from the very beginning of his life?

Ans: Crusoe's dream from the very beginning of his life was to go on sea voyages.

E. What name did Crusoe give to the rescued man?

Ans:- Crusoe give the name 'Friday' to the rescued man.

F. Why was the gunpowder very important to Crusoe?

Ans: The gun-powder was very important to Crusoe because he collected his livelihood and protected himself from the
 with the gun-powder.

G. What is the subject matter of the novel Tom Jones?

Ans: The subject matter of the novel Tom Jones is 'human nature and real life.

H. When did Oroonoko see Imoinda for the first time? 

Ans:-- Oroonoko saw Imoinda for the first time when he came to his grandfather's court.

I. What are Thunder. Plunder and Blunder?

Ans: Not found .(×)

J. What does Imlac tell Rasselas about envy?

Ans: Not found .(×)

K. Which port of France did Crusoe take ship from?

Ans: The port of France from which Crusoe took ship is the port of Calais.

L. Who is High Admiral of Lilliput?

Ans: Skyresh Bolgolam is the High Admiral of Lilliput.


A. What is Royal Veil?

Ans: Royal Veil is a sacred vail given to any woman whom the African King desires to have as his keptm

B. Who is the great Mistress in Oroonoko?

Ans:- Ben's narrator is the great Mistress in Oroonoko.

C. What does the name 'Allworthy signify?

Ans:-- The name 'Allworthy' signifies Mr. Allworthy's reputation and fame throughout Europe .

D. How many years did Crusoe stay in the isolated island?

Ans:-- Crusoe stayed more than 28 years in the isolated island.

E. What was Crusoe's original sin?

Ans:- The act of ignoring his father's advice was Crusoe's original sin.

F. Who was Friday?

Ans:- Friday was a Caribbean native, one of the 'savages' that Robinson sees on his island. Friday is taken as a prison er by some cannibals who prepare to eat him on Robinson's island, but he manages to escape, Robinson helps to rescue him. 

G. Who was the supposed mother of Tom Jones?

Ans:- Jenny Jones was the supposed mother of Tom Jones.

H. Whom did Miss Bridget marry in "Tom Jones"?

Ans:-- Miss Bridget married Captain Blifil in "Tom Jones"

I. Mention the full title of the third part of "Gulliver's Travels"

Ans:- The full title of the third part of "Gulliver's Travels" is "A Voyage to Laputa, Balnibarbi, Luggnugg. Glubbdubdrib. and Japan".

J. What was the name of the metropolis of Brobdingnag?

Ans:- Lorbrulgrad or the Pride of Universe was the name of the metropolis of Brobdingnag.

K. Who is Skyresh Bolgolam?

Ans:- Skyresh Bolgolam is the High Admiral of Lilliput, who is only member of the administration to oppose Gulliver's liberal.

L. Which Political Party of England has been satirized in Book I of "Gulliver's Travels"? 

Ans:- Whig along with Tory has been satirized in Book 1 of "Gulliver's Travels".

M. Who were the Tartars?

Ans:- The Tartars are the members of the combined forces of central Asian peoples including Mongols and Turks, who under the leadership of Genghis Khan conquered much of Asia and eastern Europe of the early 13 century, and under Tamerlane (14th century) established an empire with his capital at Samarkand.


A. What is Otan?

Ans: Otan is the harem of African King.

B. Who were the Picts?

Ans: The Piets were the ancient people from North.

C.What is Black Friday?

Ans: It is the day set aside for punishment.

D. What furniture did Crusoe make on the land?

Ans: First, he made a table and a chair without having any prior experience of handling a carpenter's tool in his life. Then he made a number of shelves to arrange some of his goods.

E. Why did Crusoe need sieve?

Ans:- Crouse needed a sieve to separate the bran and the husk from the grains because, without doing that, he could not obtain the flour to make bread.

F. What was the first condition that Crusoe gave the prisoners?

Ans: The first conditions Crusoe gave was that, as long as they stayed on that land with him they must treat him as the supreme authority.

G. Why was Molly sentenced to prison by Mr. Allworthy? 

Ans:- Molly gave birth to a bastard child and Mr. Allworthy in his magisterial power sentenced her to prison.

H. Who got the pounds that Tom lost near the brook?

Ans: Black George got the pounds which Tom Lost near the brook, but he did not reveal it.

I. Why was Mrs. Western annoyed with Sophia?

Ans:- During her interview with Lord Fellamar. Sophis flatly rejected the proposal of the lord which annoyed Mrs.Western very much with Sophia.

J. What title was awarded to Gulliver for his valiant deed in Lilliput?

Ans: The Emperor of the Lilliput became highly pleased with Gulliver for his success in protecting the land and awarded him with 'Nardic' the highest title of honour in that land

K. Where was Lagado?

Ans: Lagado was the metropolis of the flying island, Laputa. It was situated bellow on the firm earth which was about ninety leagues distant.

L. Why did Gulliver buy two young Yahoos?

Ans:- Initially he could not endure the very presence of his wife and children and even their smell was intolerable to him. Finally, he brought two young horses whom he treated very kindly amd regarded as his true companions,


A. What kind of a book is Oroonoko?

Ans:- Oroonoko is an anti-colonial and anti-slavery novel in which Aphra Ben sets an example to write in a new field and to fight against strongly built unjust politico-socio-economic instituition.

B. What is the other name of Imoinda?

Ans: The other name of Imoinda is Clemene.

C. Who was Xury?

Ans:-- Xury was a young boy, sent with Robinson and Ismael on the Turkish pirate captain's fishing boat.

D. Where did Crusoe find coms?

Ans: Crouse found com in a little bag of grain in the ship.

E. Why did Crusoe want to stay near the sea?

Ans:- Crouse chose a place near the sea from where he could behold the sea so that he could see whether any ship was passing the way.

F. Who was the real mother of Tom Jones?

Ans:    Jenny Jones text  Mrs Bridget is the real mother of Tom Jones.

G. Why did the Allworthy gift Tom little horse?

Ans: Allworthy whipped Tom severally and then felt sorry about it. To compensate, he gifted Tom a little horse.

H. Who was Sophia?

Ans:- Sophia, the daughter of the violent Squire, is the beautiful, generous heroine of Tom Jones. 

I. What does the name 'Allworthy' signify?

Ans: The name 'Allworthy' signifies Mr.Allworthy's reputation and fame throughout Europe.

J. How did Gulliver find himself in Lilliput after a sound sleep?

Ans: Gulliver found his arms, legs and even his hair strongly fastened on each side to the ground.

K. Who do the Lilliputians represent allegorically?

Ans:- The Lilliputians, a tiny race of people, represent the pettiness and small-mindedness of the English and mankind in general. 

L. Why was Master Bilfil envious of Tom?

Ans: Master Bilfil envious of Tom because Tom was very dear to Allworthy and Bridget.

The End

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