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     Hon's 2nd Year|Introduction Drama|Brief Solution (2015-2019)
 Notice writing Format
All CV are written by this Formate
Programe Report Writing
Show Bacon as a man of practical wisdom /Bacon as a moralist with reference to "Of Studies".
Write a note on Bacon's prose style/ aphoristic style
Pie-Chart and Graph chart format  (      একটি format দিয়ে যে কোনো chart লেখা যাবে।)
Paragraph (ব্যক্তি বাচক আসলে নিচের ফর্মেট বসাবেন)
Riders to the Sea|John Millington Synge| Bangla summary
Novel|A tale of Two Cities|Charles Dickens | Bangla summary
Linguistics Brief Board Question and Answer |3rd year Honours in English